
Frequently Asked Questions

Property Owner

How do I get paid?

We process all owner payments via ACH by the 15th of every month.

How much will my property rent for?

The market dictates rent ranges most of the time, but that doesn't stop us from creating new income through additional revenue streams, proprietary leads, targeted marketing, brand positioning, and repackaging of your assets.

How long will it take to find a tenant?

Between 1 and 3 weeks, usually.

What do you need from me to get started?

During our onboarding process, you’ll receive a questionnaire that outlines everything we’d need (building address, rent rolls, signed agreements, bill payment accounts, etc.)

But what we’d like you to do is understand your motivations and goals for owning real estate. Our approach to management can be tailored to achieve the best outcome for you whether you’re looking to grow, downsize, or maintain your portfolio.

Do you need me to be involved?

You’re hiring us as your expert, so we’ll do the heavy lifting. Other than major expense approvals, regular reporting, or specific requests, we run autonomously.


How do I know if I qualify?

All our basic qualification requirements are available on every listing!

What’s the application fee?

Applications are currently $35 per applicant. We collect payment information upon submission but only charge when the application is run and reviewed.

How do I tour the unit?

We offer both self-showings and guided tours. You can choose a time the works for you on any listing you’re interested in seeing. Check them out: Available Properties

How long does it take to hear back after I apply?

We do our best to follow up within 48 hours.

What do I need to apply?

A completed application that meets all our requirements and a tenant screening. Here’s an application link: Apply Here

Is it ok to bring a co-signer?

Most properties require that you qualify for the unit on your own (or with roommates), but not co-signers.

If I get approved, what’s next?

First, we’d congratulate you on making our next move! Then, we’d send over an onboarding document that outlines the steps needed and your move-in instructions.

Can I bring a pet?

We welcome furry friends at most of our communities. Some breed restrictions may apply though.


What’s move-in like?

We try to make it a breeze! You’ll get your move-in instructions 48h-72h prior to your move-in. Exciting!

Do you handle maintenance?

Yep! Most maintenance requests are followed up the same day, within business hours.

How do I pay rent?

You’ll be able to process payments in a variety of ways through your resident portal.

What if I have an emergency?

First, call 911. Then, let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

Can I change roommates?

Your new roommate would have to submit their own application and get approved. Subletting though, is not allowed.
Want to know more? Dive deeper with one of our team members
Person in a white shirt and tan belt using a smartphone, tapping the screen with a finger, against a bright white background.